What is Urinary Incontinence? Urinary Incontinence is any undesired or accidental leakage of urine.

Urinary Incontinence can happen for many reasons, such as:
Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Certain medications—diuretics, blood pressure medications, sedatives, muscle relaxants
Weak bladder and/or pelvic floor muscles
Blockage from an enlarged prostate gland in men
Damage to the nerves that control the bladder or pelvic floor muscles
Long-term constipation
Complications of chronic urinary incontinence include:
Rashes, skin infections, and sores
Increased risk for repeated urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Decreased quality of life
Physical therapists can design treatment programs to help people with urinary incontinence regain control over their symptoms, reduce the need for medication and possible surgery, and decrease the need for pads or special undergarments.
Here are some of the different types of urinary incontinence:
Stress Incontinence- Urine leaks as pressure is put on the bladder, such as during exercise, coughing, or sneezing
Urge Incontinence- A sudden need to urinate and can’t hold their urine long enough to get to the toilet
Overflow incontinence- Small amounts of urine leak out of a bladder that is always full due to trouble emptying
Functional Incontinence- Occurs in people who have normal bladder control, but have a problem getting to the toilet due to conditions or disorders that make it hard to move quickly (i.e. arthritis)
Physical Therapy Treatment Options include:
Pelvic muscle exercises
Timed voiding
Percutaneous Tibial Neuromodulation (PTNM)
Education related to lifestyle changes
Electrical stimulation
Developing healthy bladder habits
To learn more and discuss options for treatment reach out to POST Rehab and Wellness.
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